Ebook Back to the Source The Spiritual Principles Of Jesus

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Written for those searching for practical spiritual guidance whether coming from a background based in Christianity, another religious tradition, or "spiritual, but not religious." Dr. Mic Hunter has spent years assisting people with diverse backgrounds to identify, develop, and apply their spirituality. In his most recent book he focuses on the original principles taught by Jesus without attention to the miraculous aspects of the stories usually associated with him. In addition to examining these simple, yet profound principles, that have proven the test of time, Dr. Hunter describes the common psychological factors that can interfere with fully embracing this ancient wisdom on how to lead a fulfilling spiritual life. He also demonstrates how to apply these principles to modern issues including, wealth, war, the role of women in religion, the treatment of gays and lesbians, and other important topics. Using humor and examples from his clinical practice and Twelve Step-based fellowships such as Alcoholics Anonymous he brings to life the principles taught by Jesus, and makes them relevant for today. Written with a no nonsense, tell it like it is, style developed from years of working with addicts of all types, he challenges his readers to re-examine their preconceptions about Jesus and his teaching.This book is sure to change the way you view Jesus, God, other people, and yourself. Included are original photographs created by Dr. Hunter during his travels throughout the world. Top 10 Spiritual Gifts to Give the Savior - thoughtco.com In addition to receiving gifts we can also give gifts. Use these 10 spiritual gift ideas to give to Jesus Christ our Savior a gift. Major Signs before the Day of Judgement (Qiyamah) Introduction All praises is due to Allah. We praise Him ask him and seek his forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from evils of ourselves and mischiefs of our deeds. Xee-A Twelve: Jesus The Spiritual Warrior by. D. M. Introduction. Jesus The Spiritual Warrior is not about arguments concerning Christian religious beliefs. It does not conform to the so-called "scientific ... 5 Signs of Spiritual MaturityThat Actually Show You Lack It The issue of spiritual maturity seems to provoke one of the super strange conversations in the North American and Western church today. Heres the bizarre part ... HARVESTIME INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE - amesbible.org 0 Power Principles HARVESTIME INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE This course is part of the Harvestime International Institute a program designed to equip Home - Mormon Beliefs Overview of fundamental Mormon beliefs. The fourth article of faith provides an overview of basic Mormon beliefs: The first principles and ordinances of the gospel ... Back to the Bible - 10 Financial Principles That Are Biblical 10 Financial Principles That Are Biblical. by George Fooshee. Some people mash cans crunch bottles or shred newspapers and magazines to further the cause of modern ... How The Jews Mock Jesus Christ Real Jew News 179 Comments. Brother Nathanael August 21 2011 @ 10:36 pm Text Text Text Text How The Jews Mock Jesus Christ By Brother Nathanael Kapner Spiritual Maturity - Following Jesus Spiritual Maturity. Spiritual Maturity - A Definition Spiritual maturity is a process that begins when a person accepts Jesus Christ as Savior. He or she is born ... Spiritual Warfare by Ray C. Stedman Spiritual Warfare. Ten messages by Ray C. Stedman ... 3. The Strategy of Satan. Ephesians 6:11: As for you you were dead in your transgressions and sins
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